When Should You Clean Your Wedding Dress?

Preserving your wedding dress is crucial to ensuring that it remains in pristine shape long after the big day. It might be difficult to gauge when you should clean your wedding dress. If you wait too long to clean it, the stains may set in and be more difficult to remove, but if you clean it too quickly, it may get dirty again before the wedding. To make sure your wedding dress is in beautiful shape for years to come, we’ll go over the best times to clean it. We will discuss what causes your dress to become soiled rapidly and how to clean and store it after the wedding. If you are a bride-to-be or a recent bride, you may be interested in learning how to properly care for your wedding gown.

When Should You Clean Your Wedding Dress?

How long you plan on wearing your wedding dress, the fabric it is made of, the kind and amount of stains or filth it has acquired, and so on all play a role in determining when it is time to clean your dress. To assist you decide when to clean your wedding dress, here are some general guidelines:


The washing of your wedding dress is something that must be done at the right time. You should get your wedding dress cleaned within a month of the big day, as was previously indicated. It’s just long enough for any dirt or stains to become noticeable, but not so long that they become impossible to clean.

The longer you wait to clean your wedding dress, the harder it will be to remove stains and debris. Furthermore, some stains can do permanent damage to the fabric if not treated quickly enough. If you care about the longevity and quality of your clothing, you should have it cleaned as soon as feasible.

It’s vital to remember that the length of time between cleanings for your wedding dress will depend on the fabric it’s made of and how often you wore it. Your dress may need to be cleaned more often if it is made of a delicate fabric like silk or lace. Also, if your wedding dress got very dirty or stained during the ceremony or the reception, you may want to have it cleaned sooner than the recommended one month.


The frequency with which you should clean your wedding dress also depends on its material. Some fabrics are more delicate than others and require special handling to prevent wear and tears. Here are some suggestions for maintaining the cleanliness of conventional wedding gowns:

  • Silk: Silk wedding dresses are delicate and require special care. They should be dry cleaned by a professional who is experienced in working with silk fabrics. Avoid spot treating or using water-based cleaning solutions, as these can damage the fabric.
  • Lace: Lace wedding dresses can be fragile and easily damaged. They should be dry cleaned or hand washed using a gentle detergent. Avoid wringing or twisting the fabric, as this can cause it to stretch or tear.
  • Satin: Satin wedding dresses are typically easier to clean than silk or lace, but they can still be damaged if not cleaned properly. They should be dry cleaned or hand washed using a gentle detergent and cold water.
  • Tulle: Tulle wedding dresses can be delicate and prone to snags and tears. They should be gently spot-cleaned or hand-washed using mild detergent and cold water. Avoid wringing or twisting the fabric, as this can cause damage.

You should take special care when cleaning your wedding dress, no matter the fabric. To protect the fabric and embellishments, don’t use anything excessively abrasive or chemically strong when cleaning. If you’re not sure how to clean your clothing properly, a professional cleaner or conservator will be able to advise you.


Wedding dresses frequently get stained, and it’s best to deal with the problem as soon as possible so that the stain doesn’t set in and becomes more difficult to remove. Advice on how to remove the most frequent stains on wedding dresses:

  • Sweat: Sweat stains can be difficult to remove and can cause discolouration over time. If you notice sweat stains on your dress, gently blot the area with a clean, damp cloth. Avoid rubbing the fabric, as this can cause damage. You can also try using a mild soap solution to gently spot-clean the area.
  • Food and Drink: Food and drink stains are common at wedding receptions. If you spill something on your dress, immediately blot the area with a clean, damp cloth. Avoid rubbing the fabric, as this can cause the stain to spread. You can also try using a mild soap solution or a stain remover specifically designed for the type of stain.
  • Makeup: Makeup stains can be stubborn and difficult to remove. If you get makeup on your dress, try using a makeup remover wipe or a gentle soap solution to spot-clean the area. Avoid rubbing the fabric, as this can cause damage.
  • Grass and Dirt: If you take outdoor wedding photos, you may end up with grass or dirt stains on your dress. Gently brush off any visible dirt or debris, then blot the stain with a clean, damp cloth. You can also try using a mild soap solution to spot-clean the area.

Keep in mind that dealing with stains as soon as feasible is optimal. A professional cleaner or conservator will be able to give you advice tailored to your garment and the precise stain it has if you are unclear on how to remove it.


Maintaining the integrity and beauty of your wedding garment over time requires careful storage. How to properly store your wedding gown:

  • Clean the dress: Before storing your dress, it’s important to have it professionally cleaned to remove any stains or dirt. This will help prevent the dress from yellowing or becoming discoloured over time.
  • Choose the right storage container: The ideal storage container for your wedding dress is a pH-neutral, archival-quality box made from acid-free materials. Avoid storing your dress in a plastic container, as this can trap moisture and cause the fabric to yellow or become brittle.
  • Use acid-free tissue paper: To help protect your dress from wrinkles and creases, use acid-free tissue paper to stuff the sleeves, bodice, and train. Be sure to avoid using coloured tissue paper, as the dyes can transfer onto the dress.
  • Store in a cool, dry place: The best place to store your wedding dress is in a cool, dry, and dark area, such as a closet or under the bed. Avoid storing your dress in the attic or basement, as these areas can be subject to fluctuations in temperature and humidity.
  • Check on the dress periodically: Even if your dress is stored properly, it’s a good idea to check on it periodically to ensure that it’s not becoming damaged or discoloured. If you notice any issues, such as yellowing or fabric deterioration, consult with a professional preservationist who can guide how to address the issue.

Keep in mind that the quality and beauty of your wedding dress depend on how you store it. Taking the effort to clean and maintain your dress correctly can help it last for years to come as a treasured heirloom.


Taking care of your wedding dress by washing and storing it correctly is essential if you want it to retain its quality and beauty over time. Consider the time of day and the fabric of your clothing when deciding how to clean it. The proper cleaning process should be used as soon as possible to remove stains, and if you are unclear about what to do, it is better to check with a professional cleaner or preservationist. Pick the right container and use acid-free tissue paper to prevent wrinkles and creases when putting away your dress. Last but not least, keep your dress in a cool, dry, dark area and check on it sometimes to make sure it’s holding up. If you take good care of it, your wedding dress can last for generations.

Get your dress a professional wedding dress cleaner, visit My Dress Box today!

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