10 Problems With Tax Code

The following are some of the problems with the tax code. Read on to learn.

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1. Complexity

The tax code is extremely complex, with hundreds of pages of regulations and multiple layers of rules. This complexity makes it difficult for taxpayers to understand their obligations and often leads to errors.

This complexity means that taxpayers are often unaware of the many deductions and credits that they may be eligible for, and as a result, they end up overpaying their taxes.

2. Compliance Costs

The compliance costs associated with the tax code are significant. The IRS estimates that complying with the tax code costs businesses $107 billion annually. Individuals also incur substantial costs in complying with the tax code, although the exact amount is difficult to quantify.

3. Economic Distortions

The tax code distorts economic activity by providing incentives and disincentives for certain activities. For example, the tax code provides special treatment for homeownership and retirement savings, which distorts investment decisions.

4. Fairness

The tax code is often criticized for being unfair. Some argue that it favours the wealthy, who can afford to hire accountants and lawyers to exploit loopholes and penalizes the poor and middle class. Others argue that it favours special interests, such as the oil and gas industry, which receive significant tax breaks.

Several provisions in the tax code do seem to benefit higher-income taxpayers more than others, such as the preferential treatment of capital gains.

The current tax code puts small businesses at a disadvantage relative to larger businesses. This is because small businesses often don’t have the resources or the expertise to navigate the complex tax laws. As a result, they end up paying more in taxes than they should.

5. Progressivity

The tax code is progressive, meaning that taxpayers with higher incomes pay a larger share of their income in taxes than those with lower incomes. This progressivity results in a smaller tax burden for low-income taxpayers and a larger burden for high-income taxpayers.

6. Revenue Volatility

The tax code is subject to revenue volatility, which can create challenges for government budgeting. For example, when the economy slows, tax revenues decline, which can lead to deficit spending.

7. Tax Avoidance and Evasion

The complex nature of the tax code provides opportunities for taxpayers to avoid or evade taxes. Tax avoidance refers to legal methods of reducing one’s tax liability, such as taking advantage of loopholes. Tax evasion refers to illegal methods of avoiding taxes, such as failing to report income. Both tax avoidance and tax evasion impose costs on the government and reduce the fairness of the tax code.

8. The Tax Code Is Inefficient

The tax code is also often criticized for being inefficient. This is because it creates several “loopholes” and “tax shelters” that allow people and businesses to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. These inefficiencies result in a loss of revenue for the government and make the tax system more complicated and burdensome for everyone.

9. The Tax Code Is Costly To Administer

The current tax code is very costly to administer. The IRS estimates that it costs approximately $265 billion per year to comply with the tax laws. This cost includes the expense of filing and processing tax returns, as well as the cost of enforcing the tax laws.

10. The Tax Code Discriminates Against Certain Types Of Income

The tax code discriminates against certain types of income, such as capital gains and dividends. This discrimination results in a higher effective tax rate on these types of income, which discourages investment and economic growth.

Despite these challenges, the tax code is an essential tool for funding the government and providing services to taxpayers. Tax reform can improve the efficiency and fairness of the tax code, but it is a complex and politically sensitive issue.

To know more such as haven’t lodged a tax return in years, just click it. 

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